Blanc de Chine is a renowned fashion brand that is inspired by contemporary Chinese culture. They have stores all around the world from New York to Hong Kong and they approached us to help them print their printed Fall/Winter 2015 Catalog.
In fashion, design is king. It’s not just the types of fabrics or cutting and sewing techniques, but every place where a person interacts with the brand informs how they feel about the garments that they sell. We needed to help print a catalogue that matched the quality, art and craftsmanship of the Blanc de Chine, so we used special techniques to make the catalogue really stand out.
Because Blanc de Chine’s designs are inspired by Chinese culture, we used a sewn binding process that mimics traditional Chinese calligraphy books. We also used a high quality, textured cover and embossed their logo on the cover. The overall look is simple, elegant and bespoke. Because of the quality of the catalogue, customers took 2x the amount of books as the previous year and sales increased significantly.